Declaration of competition

Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon
Participation Statement


Please read the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon Competition Regulations and the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon Registration Instructions carefully and carefully before you register.

As a participant, I, my guardian, administrator, legal representative, and any person who may file a claim or lawsuit on my behalf make the following declaration:

1. I firmly abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and international treaties.

2. I firmly abide by public order and social morality and do not harm public interests.

3. I voluntarily participate in the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon and all race-related activities (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Race") and provide true and valid information in accordance with the rules, and confirm that I have the corresponding civil capacity and civil liability capacity to participate in the Race, and have obtained the consent of my guardian.

4. I confirm that I fully understand and agree to comply with the rules, regulations, requirements, and measures set by the Organizing Committee and the co-organizers (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Organizers") and that I will obey and cooperate with the Organizers in the implementation of the work arrangements of the Organizers regarding epidemic prevention and control.

5. I understand that the organizer collects the registration information required for my participation in the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon legally, reasonably, and compliantly through the registration channel of my choice in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (including but not limited to the Civil Code, the Network Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law), and I agree that the organizer may share the collected registration information with its partners under the premise of my authorization. I agree that the organizer may share the collected registration information with its partners in accordance with the principle of minimization for the purpose of race-related activities or promotion.

6. I am fully aware of the content, requirements, intensity, and risks of the Race. I am aware of the special health requirements and unsafe factors for participation in this Race and have made a prudent assessment of the possible risks and accidents associated with participation in the Race; I undertake to have undergone a medical examination by a regular state-certified medical institution and to conduct a self-assessment in conjunction with the examination report to confirm that I am physically and mentally fit for the marathon and that I meet all the requirements for participation in the Race. I promise that I am fully prepared to participate in the Race.

7. I confirm that I have carefully read the organizer's advice on all the risks that may occur to runners participating in this Race (including but not limited to the risk of personal injury or loss of any kind that may arise from this sport) and hereby expressly agree that I will bear the risks and responsibilities that may exist in participating in the Race.

8. I confirm that I am aware of my physical condition and am fully capable of completing the Race safely. I undertake to take full responsibility for any personal injury, partial or permanent disability, death, medical or hospital expenses, damage to property, theft of any kind, or loss of property that may occur during my participation in the Race without any form of compensation from the organizer, and confirm that I will not seek compensation or liability from the organizer for my own accident, death or loss of any kind that may occur or be caused during the Race. I undertake that I undertake that I shall bear any risk, including but not limited to injury, physical damage, irreversible, permanent physical damage, sequelae, accident, liability, and financial loss incidental to the event, in the event of the competition, and shall not be responsible for the organizers of the competition. I undertake that I shall be responsible for any loss or liability to third parties arising from my actions during the competition, irrespective of the competition organizers.

9. I authorize the race organizers, sponsors, partners, and designated media to use my portrait, name, voice, video, and other personal information for the publicity and promotion of the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon without compensation.

10. I will provide identity documents to the organizer for verification of my identity and eligibility to participate in the Race, guarantee that the identity documents and documentation submitted are true and valid, and assume full responsibility for any inaccurate information provided and I am aware that the organizer has the right to refuse to provide eligibility and not to refund the registration fee.

11. I promise to register in my own name and not to transfer the qualification and number bib obtained after registration to others in any way and to assume all responsibilities and consequences arising from the transfer of the qualification and number bib.

12. I promise to listen to the organizer's staff, abide by the discipline of the Race, and ensure the smooth running of the Race.

13. I promise to store my personal belongings in the way specified by the organizer, and I will bear any loss caused by not storing them according to the regulations.

14. I promise that my health condition meets the health requirements of the competition, and I promise to voluntarily give up the competition if I have been infected with the new crown virus or have one of the symptoms such as fever, dry cough, weakness, loss of smell and taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia, and diarrhea, etc., and have not been consulted to exclude the new crown virus infection, or if I am still in the recovery period of the new crown infection and have not recovered.

15. I agree not to damage, change or cover the official number bib before and during the Race; I promise to wear the correct number bib, chip, and race bracelet; I promise to wear the race clothing in accordance with the requirements of the Race, and I promise not to wear clothing with political or religious slogans, patterns or slogans, and I agree that the organizer has the right to disqualify me from the Race if the organizer finds the violation.

16. I agree to obtain the electronic results certificates for the marathon and half marathon events through the official website of the Race within 90 days after the completion of the Race.

17. I will strictly comply with the race security and check-in system, not to bring any dangerous goods into the race course, maintain the safety of their own or other people's personal and property, and ensure that the designated area check-in according to the regulations. I promise to regulate my own words and actions, care for the public facilities of the competition, maintain a good environment for the competition, and not do any dangerous acts that may affect or endanger the order of the competition, my own personal and property safety, or that of others.

18. I promise not to urinate or defecate anywhere and not to litter anywhere. I will cooperate with the staff and volunteers of the Organizing Committee before the start, put the waste in the garbage bags, and put the waste masks in the designated places to ensure the cleanliness of the race route and maintain a beautiful track environment together.

19. I agree to comply with the requirements of the judges, medical staff, and security personnel during the Race and to withdraw from the Race voluntarily if I do not finish the Race within the closing time (calculated by the time of the first gun), if I am not feeling well or if there is an unexpected situation on the course, and to assume all responsibilities and consequences arising from my insistence on the Race.

20. I agree to bear all legal responsibilities and consequences (including but not limited to medical treatment costs, loss of work, disability compensation or compensation, death compensation, etc.) arising from personal injury or death caused by doping or other prohibited drugs during the Race.

  21. I agree to receive on-site first aid medical treatment provided by the organizer during the competition, but I shall be responsible for any expenses incurred in-hospital treatment. I agree that if I lose consciousness during the Race, I will automatically entrust the organizer's first aid personnel to provide first aid by all means, including but not limited to CPR, AED external defibrillation, hired vehicles, or aircraft for rapid transfer. I also guarantee that I will bear the legal responsibility and accompanying costs arising therefrom and will not hold the first-aid personnel involved in the rescue or the organizer responsible for any legal and economic aspects.

  22. I agree that the organizer has taken out personal accident insurance with me as the insured person, and I confirm that I am aware of and agree to the relevant contents of the insurance contract.

23. I have a clear understanding and appreciation of the risks of the competition, including known, foreseeable, and unforeseeable risks, which may result in damage to my person or property or damage to the person or property of third parties. These risks include but are not limited to traffic accidents; risks arising from weather changes or natural disasters, etc.; risks arising from humidity and heat, including heat stroke, fainting, etc.; risks that may arise from one's own physical condition or physiological reactions accompanying the competition itself; possible infringement of the human body by animals or insects; other dangers or accidents and incidents that one may face, etc.

In view of the risky nature of the Race, all participants under 18 years of age and over 65 years of age are required to have their guardians, legal representatives, and immediate family members sign on the signature page of this Declaration of Participation to show that their guardians, legal representatives, and immediate family members approve their participation and assume the risks and responsibilities that may exist for participating in the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon. All participants under 16 years of age (born after December 31, 2007) and over 65 years of age (born before December 31, 1958) must have their guardians or legal representatives sign their consent and be accompanied by at least one guardian or legal representative or immediate family member before they can participate.

I and my guardians, legal representatives, and immediate family members have fully understood and agreed to the above content. To ensure the authenticity of my participation identity, age, and other information, this document is signed by me and my guardians, legal representatives, and immediate family members in person. This document shall be signed by me and my guardian, legal representative, and immediate family members.

I want to sign up
The time to 07:30 on
27 August 2023
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Certification unit:Chinese Athletic Association

Organizers:Heilongjiang Sport Bureau,Harbin Municipal People's Government

Sponsors:Harbin Sports Bureau,Harbin Madier Cultural Tourism Investment Group Introduction

Operating unit:Harbin Urban Construction Investment Sports Development Co., Ltd

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