Competition regulations

Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon
competition regulations


1. Certification Unit 

 Chinese Athletic Association

2. Organizer

Sports Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin Municipal People's Government

3. Organizers 

Harbin Sports Bureau and Harbin Madier Cultural Tourism Investment Group Introduction

4. Operation Unit

Harbin City Tou Sports Development Co., LTD.

5. Time and Place of Competition 

 7:30 am to 13:45 am, Sunday, August 27, 2023, Harbin 6.

6. Event and scale 

 (1) Marathon (42.195km) 10000 people

 (2) Half marathon (21.0975km) 10000 people

 (3) Mini run (about 5km) 10000 people

A total of 30,000 participants took part.

7. Start and finish

Starting point (all projects): Youyi West Road (Harbin Music Park Music Corridor).

Marathon finish: Sun Avenue (Sun Stone Square, Sun Island).

Half marathon finish: City Hall Square.

Mini marathon finish: Qunli Music theme Square (Qunli Hall of Harbin Music Museum).

8. Race route

(1) Marathon route

(Starting point) Harbin Music Park Music Corridor, (go straight) Youyi West Road, (turn left) Langjiang Road, (turn right) Qunli Avenue, (turn right) Yangmingtan Bridge, (turn right) Xiangannan Street, (turn right) Innovation First Road, (turn right) Science and Technology First Street, (turn right) Shimao Avenue, (turn left) Science and Technology Second Street, (turn right) Chuangxin First Road, (turn left) Science and Technology Fourth Street, (Right Turn) Binshui Avenue, (turn left to return) Binshui Avenue, (turn left) Theater 2 Road, (turn right) Binshui Avenue, (turn right) Songbei Road, (turn right) Bingfeng Road, (turn left) Songhuajiang Highway Bridge U-shaped Turnway, (turn right) Sun Avenue, (end point) Sun Island Sun Stone Square.

(2) Half-Marathon route

(Starting point) Harbin Music Park Music Corridor, (go straight) Friendship West Road, (turn left) Langjiang Road, (turn right) Qunli Avenue, (turn right) Yangmingtan Bridge, (turn right) Xiangannan Street, (turn right) Innovation One Road, (turn right) Science and Technology First Street, (turn left) Shimao Avenue, (turn left) Science and Technology Second Street, (turn left) Binshui Avenue, (turn left) Tianxiang Street, (turn right) (Right turn back) Century Avenue, (right turn back) Century Avenue, (end) Municipal Government Square.

(3) Mini running line

(Start) Harbin Music Park Music Corridor, (go straight) Friendship West Road, (turn right) Yangmingtan Avenue, (turn right) Harbin Bank Puhui Road, (end) Harbin Music Museum Qunli Hall.

9. Registration Method

(1) Pre-registration time: 10:00 on July 6, 2023 to 24:00 on July 12, 2023; The applicants can participate in the draw only after the pre-registration is successful.

(2) Announcement of the result of the draw: 14:00, July 27, 2023. Applicants must pay the registration fee within the specified time after winning the lottery. Those who fail to pay the fee after the expiration will be disqualified. The quota is limited to their own participation and is not allowed to be transferred; The Organizing committee will launch the candidate candidate at the same time when the qualification is announced.

(3) Registration fee:

1. Chinese nationals (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan)

RMB 150 / person for marathon.

Half marathon event 120 yuan/person.

Mini run event 80 yuan/person.

2 Foreign runners

Marathon event 320 yuan/person (or 50USD/ person).

Half marathon event 260 yuan/person (or 40USD/ person).

Mini Run event 160 yuan/person (or 25USD/ person).

Participants who have been confirmed by the Organizing committee to participate in the race (registered successfully) cannot change the event. If the participant is unable to participate due to personal reasons, he/she can mail the package after the race. The registration fee is non-refundable.

(4) Please refer to the "Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon Registration Instructions" for the registration method.

10. Participation Measures

(1) Age requirements for participants

1. Participants in the marathon must be over 20 years old (born before December 31, 2003).

2. Participants of Half marathon should be at least 16 years old (born before December 31, 2007).

3. There is no age limit for participants in Mini Marathon.

Special registration requirements: Participants under the age of 16 (born after December 31, 2007) and over the age of 65 (born before December 31, 1958) must obtain the consent of their guardian or legal representative or immediate family members and sign the disclaimer. A guardian or legal representative or immediate family member is required to accompany the contestant.

(2) Physical condition requirements of participants

Marathon is a high-intensity long-distance competitive sport and a high-risk competitive event, which has high requirements on the physical condition of participants. Participants should be in good health and have the basis to regularly participate in running exercise or training. Participants should choose the appropriate event according to their physical condition and ability and confirm the relevant terms in the competition declaration.

The Organizing committee strongly recommends participants to have the necessary physical examination within one month before the race to determine whether they are fit to participate in the high-intensity sports competition. The physical examination items mainly include but are not limited to blood pressure, heart rate, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, cardiopulmonary, liver and kidney function, etc. All participants shall bear the responsibility for personal damage and property loss caused by personal health and other personal reasons.

Patients with the following diseases and physical conditions are not eligible to participate in this competition:

1. congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease.

2. Patients with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

3. Patients with myocarditis and other heart diseases.

4. Patients with coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmias.

5. Diabetics with high or low blood sugar.

6. Pregnant women during pregnancy.

7. Anyone who has had a cold within two weeks before the race.

8. People who have drunk alcohol or had insufficient sleep the night before the race.

9. Those who have not recovered from infectious diseases.

10. People infected with COVID-19 or who have any of the symptoms, such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea, but do not seek medical treatment are excluded from COVID-19.

11. People who are not fit for vigorous exercise within 30 days after recovery from the novel coronavirus infection, or who are still in the recovery period from the novel coronavirus infection, or who are not fit for vigorous exercise after the novel coronavirus infection.

12. Patients with other diseases not suitable for exercise.

3. Requirements for epidemic prevention and control

The Organizing Committee will make dynamic adjustments according to the epidemic situation and the requirements of the territory.

11、Competition methods 

(A) In accordance with the Chinese Athletic Association approved the "Rules of Athletics Competition 2018-2019" and the latest revision of the World Athletics Federation, the Chinese Athletic Association Road running Management Documents (2023 edition) and the Harbin Bank 2023 Harbin Marathon Competition Regulations.

(2) Participants must wear the bib containing the sensor timing chip issued by the Organizing Committee in a prominent position on their chest. Any participant who fails to wear, fold, or cover his/her number bib according to regulations will be disqualified by the Organizing Committee; Those who do not wear the chip according to the regulations, resulting in no score recorded at the timing point, will be cancelled.

(3) Participants shall wear their own bibs and timing chips and go to the designated area for recording within 120 minutes before the race and gather in the designated area from fast to slow according to the registered results (based on the best results announced by the registered runners on the China Marathon Information Platform before July 1, 2023), and stop recording 10 minutes before the race.

(4) The race shall be divided according to the starting area invited by the Organizing committee, Marathon A zone, Marathon B zone, Half Marathon C zone, Half Marathon D zone, Mini Run E zone and Mini Run F zone. The Organizing committee will set up a recording carpet in front of each zone. Participants are not allowed to cross the starting zone but can start from the front zone to the back zone. After the start of the race, the runners must first pass the carpets in their respective zones and then pass the starting point to count the results of the carpets.

(5) The starting point of the race shall be the split gun. The marathon participants will start at 7:30 in the first shot; The second shot starts at 7:45 for the half marathon and mini run. If the runner does not start, he or she will not be stopped, but the judge will disqualify him or her.

(6) The Organizing Committee will provide one-time sensor chip timing service for the marathon and Half marathon participants. All participants must wear one-time sensor chip timing service. If the participant fails to wear the timing chip correctly, the Organizing committee will not be held responsible.

(7) Clothes storage service will be provided for participants of marathon and Half marathon events. The clothes bag must be affixed with a small bib matching with the participant's race number, and the clothes storage car corresponding to the starting point will be available before 7:15 on the race day. The large bib should be collected at the corresponding car within 1 hour after the closing time of each finish line. If you do not collect the clothes after the time, please go to the place designated by the Organizing committee within 5 days after the race, the Organizing committee will treat it as no claim (if it needs to be mailed, the cost will be borne by the runners themselves). Please do not store valuables (such as valid documents, mobile phones, cash, watches, various keys, other electronic products, etc.), inflammable and explosive items and prohibited items in the bag. In case of damage, loss or safety accident, the responsibility shall be borne by the participant. The Mini Run event does not provide access to the bag.

(8) Supply stations

The organizing committee will set up drinking water, beverage and energy supply stations along the track. Bring your own drinks according to the needs of the specially invited participants.

Serial Number

Number of kilometers



Energy supply

Bring your own drinks




7.5 km




12.5 km




17.5 km




22.5 km




27.5 km




32.5 km




37.5 km



Note: The above supply station is for reference only, subject to the actual setting on site. The organizing committee will add sprinkling facilities and rehydration salts on the track according to the weather conditions on the race day.

(9) Closing distance and time

In order to ensure the safety and success of the race, closing time (calculated from the time of the first starting gun) will be set for each section of the race route during the race, and traffic closure will be conducted for a limited time. After the start to the closing time, all sections of the race will resume normal traffic. Within the prescribed closing time, runners who have not completed the corresponding distance must immediately stop the race and exit the track to avoid danger. The participants who quit can take the shelter car provided by the Organizing committee to the end of the corresponding event.

The closing time is calculated according to the natural time:


Closing time





15 km


20 km






35 km


40 km


Mini run finish


Half marathon finish


Marathon finish


Note: In case of special circumstances, the Organizing committee has the right to decide to close the door early, and the participants must obey the unified arrangement of the Organizing committee.

(10) Collect the competition items

1. Three days before the race, participants shall, according to the requirements of the official website of Harbin 2023 Harbin Marathon, bring the valid documents used in the registration to the designated place within the specified time to collect the race bib, sensor timing chip and other race items. They are not allowed to collect them on behalf of the participants.

2. All participants must meet the entry requirements formulated by the Organizing Committee when collecting the items. The Organizing Committee has the right to dynamically adjust the epidemic prevention and control policies and measures of the event according to the epidemic prevention and control requirements.

3. The Organizing Committee has the right not to distribute the competition materials and not to refund the registration fee to the players who do not meet the qualification.

(11) Timing method

1. The Organizing Committee will provide induction timing service for all participants of marathon and half marathon, and no timing service will be provided for mini race participants.

2. The Organizing Committee will provide timing sensor belts (zones) at the starting point (including the assembly area for marathon runners and the assembly area for half marathon runners), every 5km point, 21.0975km point, return point and finish point (marathon finish point and half marathon finish point). In the process of running, runners must pass all the ground timing sensor belts (zones). If the record of any timing point is missing, or the result error of two timing chips in the sensor belt is less than 0.1 seconds, the race result of the contestant will be cancelled.

3. The Organizing committee will provide the shot timing and net timing results for the marathon and half marathon participants after the race.

4. The timing chip is a one-time timing chip, no deposit will be charged, and will be issued together with the bib before the race.

(12) Wheelchair racers are not allowed to participate in this competition.

(13) Doping control shall be carried out on the competitors in accordance with relevant regulations.

(14) For other specific requirements and arrangements of the competition, please refer to the Official Manual of the Competition.

12. Reward Method

(1) Award setting

1. Marathon Placing Prize (USD)

The first to eighth runners of the male and female marathons will receive the prize money listed in the table below. The top eight finishers in the marathon are based on gunshots, and the others are based on net time scores.




Prize money (USD)


Prize money (USD)


































2. Half Marathon Placing Prize (RMB)

The men's and women's 1st to 8th Half marathon runners will receive the prize money listed in the table below. The half marathon event is based on the net time result.




Prize money (Yuan)


Prize money (Yuan)

































3 Mini Run events do not count results or places.

(2) Other matters

1. The results of all winners of marathon and Half marathon will be published on the official website of the event for 10 working days, and the bonus will be paid after there is no objection and no doping problem is confirmed. If it is found that there is no doping control problem, the ranking and bonus will be cancelled, and the subsequent ranking will not increase.

2. All the above bonuses will be subject to 20% individual income tax in accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China. Chinese players will be awarded the equivalent amount of RMB (based on the exchange rate on the day of the competition).

3. The Organizing Committee will issue MEDALS to the marathon and half marathon participants who finish the race within the closing time. The certificate of finish can be downloaded on the official website of the race.

4. If you have any objection to the result, please appeal to the Organizing Committee within 5 working days after the end of the race, and provide real and valid evidence.

5. The top three male and female winners of Half marathon and marathon must participate in the award presentation, and wear the award receiving equipment as required.

Xiii. Punishment Measures

The organizing committee will set up video of the race at the starting point, stage timing point, return point and finish point to record the whole process of the race. Any violation during the competition shall be punished by the Organizing Committee according to the competition rules and regulations. Any of the following will be punished:

(1) Where a participant takes part in an impost (alternate running), uses fraud to seek the event ranking and prize money, where a participant carries more than two (including two) chips to participate in the race (the score error of the two sensors at the timing point is less than 0.1 seconds), privately transfers or forges the number bib to participate, or multiple runners alternate relay, The Organizing committee will punish and report to the Chinese Athletic Association for additional punishment:

1. The event manager will cancel the results and ranking of the violators in the 2023 Harbin Marathon and the corresponding rewards.

2. All relevant violators will be banned from participating in Harbin Marathon for life.

(2) If any of the following problems occur during the competition, the Organizing Committee shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, give the participants penalties such as disqualification and results of the 2023 Harbin Marathon, suspension of the competition, suspension of 1 to 2 years and life ban, etc. In serious cases, the participants shall be reported to the Chinese Athletics Association for additional punishment:

1. Participants who register under false age;

2. concealing a physical illness;

3. failing to wear race clothing and bib number or race bracelet as required;

4. Not starting in the prescribed starting order in front of the designated starting area;

5. The starting point does not start at the prescribed time;

6. The athlete's coach or agent enters the track by any vehicle;

7. Those who enter the race track after not running along the prescribed route, taking a shortcut or inserting or taking a means of transportation on the way;

8. Committing violations such as crowding, pushing, bumping, tripping, etc.;

9. Failing to pass through the finish line repeatedly according to the regulations to get the souvenir;

10. Passing through the finish line without finishing the whole race to collect the souvenir;

11. Disobeying the command of race staff and judges;

12. Verbally abusing, fighting or causing trouble during the match;

13. Long-term stay leads to safety hazards in the contestant's area;

14. Other acts in violation of competition regulations;

15. The Penalty regulations of WADA Competition Rule 144.3(a);

16. Rules 163.15(c) of the World Association of Athletics Federations governing the punishment of supplies outside the supply depot;

17. Rules 240.6 of the World Association of Athletics Federations concerning penalties for invalid starts;

18. This unlisted entry is governed by the Chinese Athletics Association and the World Association of Athletics in accordance with the Technical Regulations.

(3) Those who use false information to obtain the entry qualification, transfer the entry qualification or transfer the bib number to others after registration, alternate runners and non-qualified runners shall be responsible for all consequences that occur during the competition.

Xiv. Medical aid

(1) The Organizing Committee will set up fixed medical stations at the starting point, along the course and at the finish. There will be clear signs 50 meters before the medical station; Follow the runners into the route, followed by emergency vehicles; The organizing committee will arrange volunteers and staff at fixed medical points and supply stations to assist in medical rescue and maintain the order of the race. Competitors can ask for help at any time if they have any problems.

(2) The Organizing Committee will set up mobile AED medical rescue service along the course.

(3) The Organizing Committee will set up first aid volunteers along the track to assist in medical rescue and maintain the race order. Participants can ask them for help at any time.

(4) If a participant loses consciousness during the race, the first aid personnel of the Organizing Committee will be automatically entrusted to take all means for first aid, including but not limited to CPR and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, AED external defibrillation, and renting a vehicle or aircraft for quick transport. The resulting legal liability and accompanying expenses shall be borne by the contestants themselves, and the Organizing Committee's first aid personnel shall not bear any legal and economic responsibilities.

(5) In order to protect the life safety of competitors, the event referee, first aid personnel and staff authorized by the Organizing Committee have the right to terminate the competition of any participant who is obviously unable to continue the competition.

15. Participating insurance

(1) The Organizing Committee will purchase personal accident insurance for all participants and staff during the competition. If the insurance cannot be purchased or is invalid due to incomplete or untrue registration information of participants, the responsibility shall be borne by the participants themselves.

(2) The insurance purchased by the Organizing Committee is personal accident insurance. However, the adverse consequences caused by their own diseases and physical reasons do not belong to the accident insurance. For example, heat stroke, fainting and other situations are not covered by the personal accident insurance purchased by the Organizing Committee. Please carefully evaluate your own physical condition and register carefully.

(3) The Organizing Committee shall provide free on-site first-aid medical treatment during the competition. The competitors shall settle with the hospital and apply for compensation from the insurer for the related expenses incurred by the contestants confirmed by the Organizing committee. The insurer shall make compensation within the scope and limit of the insurance policy.

(4) If a participant causes personal injury or death due to taking stimulants or other prohibited drugs during the competition, the responsibility shall be borne by the participant himself.

16. Technical representatives, competition supervisors and referees

Selected by WADA, Chinese Athletics Association, Heilongjiang Athletics Association, Harbin Sports Bureau and the event Organizing Committee.

17. Take risks at your own risk

The "self-risk" clause in the Civil Code establishes the "self-risk" clause in sports and sports activities, Article 1,176 of which stipulates: If a person voluntarily participates in a certain dangerous cultural and sports activity and suffers damage due to the conduct of another participant, the victim may not claim the other participant to bear tort liability, except that the other participant has intentionally or grossly negligent for the occurrence of the damage; The liability of the activity organizer shall be governed by the provisions on the liability of safety guarantee.

18. Contact information and address

Organizing Committee Address: No. 67, Innovation 3 Road, Songbei District, Harbin City

Contact number: 0451-51160366

Working hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 11.30am,13:30 to 17:00

Official email:

Official website:

The right of interpretation of these rules belongs to Harbin Marathon Organizing Committee. Matters not covered herein will be further notified.

I want to sign up
The time to 07:30 on
27 August 2023
Official WeChat account
Official Douyin account
Official kuaishou account
Official Weibo account

Certification unit:Chinese Athletic Association

Organizers:Heilongjiang Sport Bureau,Harbin Municipal People's Government

Sponsors:Harbin Sports Bureau,Harbin Madier Cultural Tourism Investment Group Introduction

Operating unit:Harbin Urban Construction Investment Sports Development Co., Ltd

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